TWC provides therapy services at our center, in family homes and out in the community. See more info here.
Technology and Innovation
We apply computers, technology, and innovation to agriculture and farming. New computers, iPads and mobile technologies are used to assist children with autism to interact and communicate. These tools provide a common focus of interest and stimulate creativity, to create maps, plan watering cycles, and someday to monitor the bees!
Academics and Speech Therapy
The Ohana or family feeling is one that we strive for. The warm and inviting learning environment at the farm is great for tranquil feeling of being connected to the land. When children are provided a balance of table-time and physical sensory activities in small intervals, new pathways open for interaction, communication, and engagement.
TWC Farm
Natural Physical Therapy
Nature is a gentle way to promote healthy sensory integration and has a grounding and calming effect on our clients. The farm is a place where participants can learn and engage in gardening and sustainable land practices, helping to grow their independence and gain life skills.
Sensory stimuli can be found in a variety of activities including working with Bees. Our small apiary has a tranquil effect and shows us how nature works together in so many ways that we also benefit from. Bees communicate with a unique waggle dance that reminds us one of the many ways to communicate without words.